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Day 11 – Itty Bitty Doodles

Sometimes the most relaxing thing to do is just to sit down with a pen and follow the line you are making. Recently I cut up some gelatin prints that I made and picked up a few pens and followed the line my pen was making. You can use any kind of paper you have […]

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Day 10 – Happy Mother’s Day!

Art in Action created the Hydrangea project with the idea that it would be perfect for Mother’s Day! Either as a gift for Mom to do herself or for you to do as a gift. I sent out the Hydrangea art-kit to my wonderful Mom and my amazing Mother-in-Law and want to feature them today […]

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Day 9 – Time to get busy!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and it’s not too late to make a card for that someone special in your life. Nothing says “I love you Mom” like a homemade card! As a Mother of 3 children myself, I know that these hand-made cards are what I look forward to most on Mother’s Day. Maybe you […]

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Day 8 – Itty Bitty Abstract Creations

Today we are going to create an abstract acrylic piece and then divide it into itty bitty pieces of art. Many artists regularly work in a series of paintings, the same subject matter or palette is used to create a cohesive body of work. Let’s try it! Our lesson today is inspired by the contemporary […]

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Day 7 – Oodles of Flower Doodles

Flower Doodles inspired by Lisa Congdon and Alisa Burke Today I am going to take you through one of my favourite ways to warm up for any kind of art-making, doodling. Just like playing a sport or instrument its a good idea to warm up your art-making muscles and exercise them regularly to get better […]

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We have a WINNER!!!!

Thank you to everyone who followed us on Facebook and Instagram this past week. Angela D is followed us on Instagram and she is the winner of our free art-kits. She has chosen the Hydrangea kit inspired by Van Gogh. Keep following us as we spark creativity every day in May!

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Day 6 – Rainbow Scratch-Art, We’re all in this together

You can make your own scratch art at home – it really is easy. Here is a list of supplies you will need. cardboard from an old cereal box or bristol board masking tape a selection of oil pastels or crayons black paint brush or sponge to apply paint Skewer or pencil Let’s begin by […]

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Day 5 – Using your Gelli Prints, a Lesson Inspired by Rex Ray

Rex Ray was an American artist best known for his innovative pop aesthetic in fine and commercial art. Today we are going to be inspired by his work with collage. To read about his discovery of this way of expressing himself this is a great article. His colours and simple shapes are very inspiring… Lets […]

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Discover Gelli Plate Printing

A few years ago I discovered Gelli Plate printing and it quickly became one of my favourite ways to create. With the plate you can explore mono-printing and make your own paper for collage projects and explore so many possibilities You can make a your own gelatin plate from gelatin that you can buy at […]

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Day 3 – Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Natural Art.

Whenever I want to be awed by an artist I take a look at some of the work done by Andy Goldsworthy If you want to develop the art of patience, this is a great place to start. Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, photographer, and environmentalist producing site-specific sculpture and land art situated in natural […]

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