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Day 10 – Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2020

Art in Action created the Hydrangea project with the idea that it would be perfect for Mother’s Day! Either as a gift for Mom to do herself or for you to do as a gift. I sent out the Hydrangea art-kit to my wonderful Mom and my amazing Mother-in-Law and want to feature them today as a tribute to Mom’s everywhere as a chance to say thank you and I love you!

Our Art inspiration today is to make a photo gallery of you and your Mom. Dig up old pictures saved on your computer, and put together one or two pictures of y’all together. Save it as your screen saver for a few days – and if you can, reach out to Mom – even if it’s through glass.

Also for today we’d like to give away one of our hydrangea art-kits for Mom. Create a beautiful arrangement of Hydrangeas in the style of the famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Follow the step-by-step drawing, use soft pastels for blending, try out a fun scraping technique to make a unique pattern in the vase, and experiment using sponges for applying paint.

To enter to win this free kit like us on Facebook or Instagram and share a quote from your Mother, Grandmother or anyone special to you.

My Mother is often quoting “Hyacinths to feed the soul” from this poem credited to John Greenleaf Whittier and to Sadi. It always touches my heart when I think on it…

If of thy earthly goods thou art bereft

And from their meager store

Two loaves alone to thee are left,

Sell one, and with the dole Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.