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Doris McCarthy – Icebergs

Jan 9, 2014

 “The real function of the artist is to give fresh vision to their own generation.”

-Doris McCarthy

We embraced the cold this week by staying in our warm classrooms and learning about the Canadian artist Doris McCarthy.  She studied art at the Ontario College of Art and Design. Some of her teachers were members of the Group of Seven: Arthur Lismer, A.Y. Jackson, J.E.H. MacDonald and Lawren Harris.

Doris McCarthy was the first female president of the Ontario Society of Artists and she travelled the world to photograph and sketch. During her career she explored abstract and surreal painting, as well as other new concepts in painting. We focussed on her Arctic Iceberg series and learned how she would travel by dogsled to paint ‘en plein air’ in the frigid weather.

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