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Day 16 – Emoji faces

How are you feeling today? With all the changes “facing” everyone right now, people have been feeling a lot of different things on any given day… Let’s recreate some of these emotions in fun emojis. Materials needed yellow watercolour paint (if...

Day 15 – Dandelions!

Today let’s be inspired by warm and cool colours and create some easy backgrounds for dandelions. Warmer weather is on the way and on my walk yesterday I saw fields full of them. It inspired these ones… Use your chalk pastels to create circles, you can...

Day 14 – Torn Paper Landscapes

Today lets use up some of our Gelli plate prints or any colourful paper that you have to make a landscape collage. I went through my stack and selected colours that would look like grass and flowers for the bottom, darker colours for a mountain range and blue colours...