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Halloween Pumpkins

It is Halloween today and our grade 4 – 6 class celebrated by making their own oil pastel pumpkin patches. We began with stories and legends  about the beginnings of Halloween. Our story about jack-o-lanterns really fired up their imaginations.

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Van Gogh Sunflowers

“I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh It was a wet and windy day today but we brightened up the classroom with sunny still-life paintings in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at examples of his work from his self-portraits to his landscapes to his famous […]

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Keith Haring Collage

“Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic.” – Keith Haring Action was the word of the day as we explored the art career of Keith Haring. Our students really enjoyed the whimsical and energetic style that he brought […]

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Georgia O’Keeffe Landscape

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe Georgia O’Keeffe’s work, Evening Star, inspired our session today. We used liquid watercolours and salt to create our background. The students enjoyed the way the wet watercolour mixed […]

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Printing with Gelatin Plates

With our grade 4 – 6 group we did something completely different, we used gelatin to create monoprints. We learned about the life and career of Edgar Degas who created many monoprints and then tried our hand at making our own. Our students enjoyed layering the colours and the tactile experience of pressing the print. […]

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Marc Chagall Stained Glass Murals

“If I create from the heart nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” – Marc Chagall This week we learned about the life and career of the great artist Marc Chagall. We studied the Peace Window that he created for the United Nations and created our own works of art. We urged the […]

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Emily Carr Landscapes

“Trees love to toss and sway; they make such happy noises.” –Emily Carr Emily Carr was our artist today and we used her painting, “Blue Sky, 1932” as our inspiration piece. We learned about this famous Canadian‘s life, work and influences. She is known as the first artist to attempt to capture the spirit of […]

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Caspar Friedrich and a Moody Sky

“I have to stay alone in order to fully contemplate and feel nature.” – Caspar Friedrich Our grade 1 -3 class learned about the artist, Caspar Friedrich, a German landscape painter. He is most famous for his work featuring contemplative figures silhouetted against a night sky. The students created a moody night sky by blending […]

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Getting Tangled with Zentangles

“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” – John W. Gardiner Zentangles filled our classroom and inspired our Grade 4 – 6 group to create  abstract landscapes. The term zentangle is used to describe a way of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. For this project we used permanent pens and reassured our […]

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Line Drawings inspired by Picasso

“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” – Pablo Picasso Picasso was our inspiration with our Grade 1 – 3 group at Humbercrest Public School this week. We started with a brief overview of his career and then focussed on his line drawings. Picasso had […]

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