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Wooly Mammoths

     Our first class for the Fall session travelled back in time to the Lascaux caves in France. They are famous for the Palaeolithic cave paintings found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France. The exceptional quality, size, and sophistication of the paintings has given them the rightful designation as a […]

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KCS Welcome Back BBQ

Art in Action had a lot of fun at the Welcome Back BBQ at Kingsway College this past weekend. Students were inspired by the season and I love the colours they mixed for the background. We used tape to make off our trees and sponges and acrylic paint to fill in the fall colours. After […]

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the new school year! For me, September feels like more like the New Year than January. New classes, new school supplies and new experiences. Art in Action is very excited to launch our new fall program: Travel through time and explore the visual arts with Art in Action! Climb aboard our time […]

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Eagle Silhouettes Inspired by John James Audubon

“The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those who sang the best.”  -John James Audubon John James Audubon was born in Haiti in 1785.  His father was a French sea captain and plantation owner. At a very young age he was interested in birds and nature. When he was 18, Audubon was […]

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Water Lilies Inspired by Claude Monet

“My only merit lies in having painted directly in front of nature, seeking to render my impressions of the most fleeting effects.” –Claude Monet  Claude Monet was born in Paris, France in 1840. When he was young he did not like being confined to a classroom and was more interested in being outside.  He filled his […]

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Damien Hirst Inspired Butterflies

“Great art – or good art – is when you look at it, experience it and it stays in your mind. I don’t think conceptual art and traditional art are all that different.” -Damien Hirst Damien Hirst, born June 7, 1965 is a British artist, entrepreneur, and art collector. He is the most prominent member of […]

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Toulouse-Lautrec Inspired Chat Noir

 “I paint things as they are. I don’t comment. I record.” -Toulouse Lautrec Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa, was born on November 24, 1864 in Albi, France. He was an aristocrat, the son and heir of Comte Alphonse-Charles de Toulouse and last in line of a family that dated back a thousand years. Henri’s father […]

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Cherry Still Life – Inspired by Mary Pratt

“Sometimes I seem to be two people. One who does not paint and one who does. The one who does not paint assumes that the one who does can paint anything. The one who is the painter sometimes finds it difficult to live up to that faith.” – Mary Pratt Mary Pratt was born on […]

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Turner Inspired Sunsets

“Light is therefore colour.” – J.M.W. Turner  Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in England on April 23, 1775.  His family lived above his father’s barber shop and young Joseph began to sketch pictures at a young age. By the time he was 13, some of his drawings were sold from his father’s shop. At the […]

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Magnolia Blooms – Inspired by Mary Delaney

“People who seem to spring into artistic action were in fact, quietly preparing for years.” – Mary Delaney Mary Delaney was born in Coulston, Wiltshire, England in the year 1700. Her family was well established and during her youth she studied history, music, needlework and dancing. At the age of 72 she began her life’s […]

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