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Surreallist umbrella’s inspired by Tang Yau Hoong
“I bring my childhood imagination to life – turning imagination into reality.” – Tang Yau Hoong 邓尧逢 In this week’s classes, Art in Action students looked at Malaysian artist, Tang Yau Hoong. He is an artist, illustrator, a graphic designer who currently lives in Kuala Lumpur. Hoong is a digital artist that creates art that is […]
Stained Glass window inspired by Marc Chagall
Peace Window, Marc Chagall 1964 This week we learned about the life and career of the great artist Marc Chagall. Marc Chagall was born in Belarus on July 7, 1887. Chagall was the oldest of nine children from a loving Jewish family. His childhood was a happy one and many images from that period of his […]
Tulips inspired by Robert Kushner
“Decoration has always had its own agenda, the sincere and unabashed offering of pleasure and solace.” -Robert Kushner Robert Kushner is an American contemporary painter who was born in Pasadena, California in 1949 and lives and works in New York City today. He is most known for his involvement in the Pattern and Decoration art movement in the […]
Will you be my Dragon-tine? Inspired by Jim Dine Hearts
“For me, drawing is everything.. “ – Jim Dine Jim Dine was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on June 16th, 1935. His real name is James and growing up was nicknamed “Jimmy.” He began creating art at a very young age and liked to go to art museums. He was Dyslexic and didn’t learn to read […]
Cubist Blue Guitars inspired by Pablo Picasso
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” -Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. Picasso loved to experiment […]
Tom Thomson Moon-lit Landscape
“Imagine a glorious full moon coming over the tops of the spruce, big and yellow, shedding a mysterious light on everything… the moonlight had colour, you could see to paint and be able to appreciate the colour of things.” – Arthur Lismer on Experiencing the North country with Tom Thomson Students were inspired this week by […]
Still-Life Plants inspired by Jonas Wood
“You could call [my work] a visual diary or even a personal history. I’m not going to paint something that doesn’t have anything to do with me. Of all of the possible things I could paint, the thing that interests me is something that I can get close enough to in order to paint it […]
Start of a new Winter Session – inspired by Emily Carr
Happiness – by Emily Carr – Public Domain Art in Action began the Winter Session with a look at Canadian artist Emily Carr. Emily Carr was born in Victoria, British Columbia in 1871 and was the second youngest of six children. She grew up surrounded by the rugged landscape of British Columbia which inspired her passion […]
Inspired by Michelangelo’s Snowman….
For our last class of the Holiday session, Art in Action students learned that Michelangelo once made a snowman! It’s recorded by the art historian Giorgio Vasari that “one winter, when a great deal of snow fell in Florence, [Piero de’ Medici] had him make in his courtyard a statue of snow, which was very […]
Holiday Candles – inspired by Gerhard Richter
“Art is the highest form of hope” -Gerhard Richter These beautiful candles, serve as a symbol of hope for the holiday season were the inspiration for this week’s art. Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden on 9th February 1932. His parents, Horst and Hildegard Richter had a daughter, Gisela four years later. His early childhood was […]