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Lake Landscapes inspired by Jamie MacLean

May 31, 2017

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 “I want the viewer to look – relate and then look again.”

-Jamie MacLean

Jamie MacLean is 62 years old and from Toronto.  He started painting in 2003 after a 30 year career as an engineer, plant manager and consultant.

He decided to develop his painting career after a seminar series that challenged his dreams of becoming a professional artist.

His oil landscapes are about capturing the emotional energy and enjoyment from being outside.  He connects with the viewer through the use of strong colours and shadows.  His art conveys his enjoyment and awe of the rugged outdoors by using motifs such as crashing waves, luminescent birches, mossy rocks, and wind-whipped leaves.

Our senior class at Kingsway College used a variety of acrylic paints and blending techniques to create their lake inspired art.