
Fresh Fall Start – Group of Seven

Oct 1, 2017


“It’s probably hard for anyone looking at my landscapes today to realize that I was once regarded as a rebel, a dangerous influence; that I’ve been told I was on the verge of insanity, that my painting was nothing but meaningless daubs. Lawren Harris, the man most responsible for drawing the Group of Seven together, was accused of something perilously close to treason – his paintings, said his severest critics, were discouraging immigration.”- A. Y. Jackson

We started our Fall session at Kingsway College School and were inspired by the fall season and the art of the Group of Seven. It is hard today to understand how revolutionary the style of the Group of Seven was at the time they created their artworks.

Students worked hard using liquid watercolour, acrylic paint and many different techniques to create their fall landscapes. They did an amazing job!