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Inspired by Lawren Harris

 “We were told, quite seriously, that there never would be a Canadian art because we had no art tradition.” -Lawren Harris Students were inspired by the work of Canadian painter, Lawren Harris and created their own winter landscapes. They used watercolour techniques...

Inspired by Kim Dorland

“Before I found art, I had no sense of the future. I could have ended up in a dead-end job or even jail, not because I was violent but because I was thoughtless. Then I found this. It is all I wanted.” – Kim Dorland This Friday we introduced our senior class at KCS to...

Inspired by AY Jackson

There were dozens of lakes, many of them not on the map. For identification purposes we gave them names. The bright sparkling lakes we named after people we admired… to the swampy ones, all messed up with moose tracks, we gave the names of the critics who...

Inspired by LeRoy Neiman

“It’s been fun, I’ve had a lucky life…” – LeRoy Neiman We started off our Winter session with inspiration from the American artist, LeRoy Neiman who was born on June 8, 1921 in St. Paul, Minnesota.  His father, Charles Runquist, an unskilled...